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Women in Horror Month 2024: An Interview with Megan Hart




What inspired you to start writing?

I’ve been a writer since childhood. Once I knew how to write, I started writing stories. I was about 12 when I realized that people actually wrote stories for a living, and I decided that was what I wanted to do.

What was it about the horror genre that drew you to it?

I have no idea, since in real life, I truly, honestly, genuinely, and sincerely do not ever want to see a ghost. Ever. I love watching and reading horror despite this. All I can say is that I’ve always been drawn to the stories that go bump in the night!

Do you make a conscious effort to include female characters and themes in your writing and if so, what do you want to portray?

Absolutely. I feature women as the main characters almost exclusively. As for what I want to portray, that depends on the story. Overall, I write women who are strong but make mistakes. Live life. Have emotions, adventures, responsibilities, regrets…

What has writing horror taught you about the world and yourself?

Be prepared for anything!

How have you seen the horror genre change over the years? And how do you think it will continue to evolve?

I can remember the huge horror boom in the 80s, and how many wonderful stories (and how many awful ones!) we had to choose from. I’d love to see that happen again. I love that we are seeing so many stories featuring LGBTQ characters, characters of color, and characters with different faiths. Stories from so many different viewpoints and cultures.

How do you feel women have been represented thus far in the genre and what hopes do you have for representation in the genre going forward?

If you ask the average reader to name top horror authors, they’re mostly going to be men, but I hope that’s changing as more and more women are publishing horror for today’s audiences.

Who are some of your favorite female characters in horror?

Too hard to pick!!

Who are some women who write horror that you recommend our audience check out?

You can’t go wrong with Laurel Hightower. I’ve also enjoyed books recently from Catriona Ward and Sarah Pinborough (who seem to be marketed as thrillers, but they felt like horror to me!)

What is one piece of advice you would give horror authors today?

Scare yourself, and you’ll scare your reader! Find the emotion in your story, and use it. Stab your readers in the heart. Figuratively, though.

And to the women who write horror out there who are just getting started, what advice would you give them?

Nobody will make your writing more important to you than you will.

Megan Hart writes books. After deciding at age twelve that she wanted to become an author, Megan began writing short fantasy, horror, and science fiction before graduating to novel-length romances. Since 2002 she’s published nearly a hundred short stories, novellas, and novels. She’s lived in Ohio long enough that she can’t claim she’s “new here,” but she still can’t find her way around without the GPS. She also writes thrillers and horror under the name Mina Hardy. Find out more about her at Megan Hart.com and Mina Hardy .com.

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