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Members New Releases – 2019


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And members, please sign into the members-only area to submit upcoming releases. Thank you!

The Devil's Due Excavating Stephen King Collective Darkness, a Horror Anthology Dollhouse The Underclass Life Among the Tombstones Daphne Byrne The Pizza Deliveryman's Tale The Five Turns of the Wheel Anoka: A Collection of Indigenous Horror A Tale of Hell and Other Works of Horror Unknowing, I Sink Dark was the Night Roseneath Burials Severed Wings The Devil's Due Excavating Stephen King Collective Darkness, a Horror Anthology Dollhouse The Underclass Life Among the Tombstones Daphne Byrne The Pizza Deliveryman's Tale The Five Turns of the Wheel Anoka: A Collection of Indigenous Horror A Tale of Hell and Other Works of Horror Unknowing, I Sink Dark was the Night Roseneath Burials Severed Wings The Messy Man | Chris Sorensen Only The Broken Remain | Dan Coxon The Shopkeeper: Curios, Curiosities and Rarities | G.A. Miller Eight Cylinders | Jason Parent The Sadeiest | Austrian Spencer Behind the Midnight Blinds: with Other Devilish Things | Marty Young The Children of Red Peak The Realm Downwind, Alice Caitlín R. Kiernan: A Critical Study of Her Dark Fiction Nine Bar Blues: Stories from an Ancient Future Slay: Stories of the Vampire Noire dsilva_spirits_200h lee_reform_200h cram_mountain_200h BOOKCOVER BOOKCOVER BOOKCOVER BOOKCOVER BOOKCOVER brune_midnight_200h guignard_han hickey_nova_200h siciliano_sun_200h taborska_bloody ullery_hwy181_200h weis_moon_200h rhoads_words_200h BOOKCOVER Sins of the Father | JG Faherty | Flame Tree Press Ape in the Ring and Other Tales of the Macabre and Uncanny | Douglas Ford | Madness Heart Press Stalking the Moon | Angel Leigh McCoy | Wily Writers LLC Her Infernal Name & Other Nightmares | Robert P. Ottone | Spooky House Press Women Make Horror: Filmmaking, Feminism, Genre | Alison Peirse Ghastly Tales of Gaiety and Greed: Unauthorized and Haunted Cedar Point | E. F. Schraeder The Night She Fell | Jennifer Soucy Last Case at a Baggage Auction by Eric J. Guignard Belle Vue by C. S. Alleyne What Hell May Come by Rex Hurst As an Old Memory by Vic Kerry A Stick of Doublemint by Gene O'Neill The Apocalypse Strain by Jason Parent The Occultists by Polly Schattel Writing in the Dark | Tim Waggoner. The Haunt at Hogg Run | J.P. Barnett. It Will Just Be Us | Jo Kaplan. The House that fell from the Sky | Patrick Delaney. The Ninja's Blade | Tori Eldridge. Some Kind of Monster | Tim Waggoner. Dominion, An Anthology of Speculative Fiction From Africa and the African Diaspora edited by Ekpeki Oghenechovwe Donald and Zelda Knight. Dust & Time by Mitch Sebourn. Ghost Dance by Betty Fry. Unleashed by E. L. Jefferson. Negative Space by B.R. Yeager The Living Dead by George A. Romero and Daniel Kraus A Kiss to Die For by Jennifer Brozek A Tortured Soul by L.A. Detwiler BattleTech: Ghost Hour by Jennifer Brozek Devil's Creek by Todd Keisling Demon In Me by Jennifer Soucy Mina's Child by Paul F Butler One Eye Open: Strange Stories for Peculiar People Volume 2 by K.G. Lewis The Bachmann Family Secret by Damian Serbu The Buck Stops Here by Sean Seebach Tituba The Intentional Witch of Salem by Dave Tamanini adams_semen_200h lutz_tide_200h Annotated American Gods by Neil Gaiman Sarah's Cross: A Ghost Story The Damned Ones Movie Monsters Slaughter Box addiction_various_200h baltisberger_discord_200h elsby_hexis_200h joschko_whitetooth_200h mccauley_hunters_200h maxwell_call_200h meehan_sycophant_200h newquist_behemoth_200h pedersen_skin_200h quinton_dark_200h rasmussen_hill_200h sherwood_screen_200h tullius_die_200h tullius_mayhem_200h wright_zima_200h

barnett_witch zelenski_walker dinniman_kaiju davis_demons siciliano_inside

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