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Veterans in Horror Spotlight 2023: Del Howison


Del Howison Biography

Del Howison is an author, journalist, actor (see IMDB), and the Bram Stoker Award-winning editor of the anthology Dark Delicacies: Original Tales of Terror and the Macabre by the World’s Greatest Horror Writers. He has written articles for Fear.net, Cemetery Dance.com, and Writers Digest among others. His western short story The Lost Herd was turned into the premiere (and highest rated) episode, The Sacrifice, for the television series Fear Itself. His dark western novel The Survival of Margaret Thomas was nominated for the Peacemaker Award given out by the Western Fictioneers. He has been shortlisted for over half a dozen awards including the Shirley Jackson Award and the Black Quill.

Book Recommendation:  The Survival of Margaret Thomas

The Survival of Margaret Thomas – A strong female-driven dark, nuanced tale about justice, found family, and the choices we make in the throes of desperation when we are faced with nothing to lose. The Survival of Margaret Thomas transcends the genre into a tale of hope, heart, and revenge. Published by Pandi Press.


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