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Tag archive: submissions Archives - Horror Writers Association [ 3 ]

Halloween Haunts Blog: Call for Submissions

From October 1 through October 31, the Horror Writers Association will host an online event to celebrate the month of Halloween and help horror readers and horror writers connect at the eeriest time of the year.

All HWA members are invited to participate in this series of daily blog posts, book excerpts, and more. Halloween Haunts offers HWA members a place to share Halloween anecdotes and stories to connect with new readers, spread the word about members’ new works, and raise the profile of the horror genre and the HWA.

Six Places to Send Poems This Week

National Poetry Month may be done, but if you still have piles of verse flowing from your pen, here’s some places you can send it. Not all of these are speculative markets so read your submission guidelines and maybe hold your vampyre poems for a darker market… or ask and see if they will invite you across their threshold and onto the page.

Announcing HWA POETRY SHOWCASE X Selectees

Congratulations to all the poets and poems that made the HWA Poetry Showcase X, and thank you to everyone who submitted. There were nearly 300 poems submitted, all excellent. It… Read more
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