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Recommendations Sought for 2023 HWA Black Heritage Interview Series


Planning is underway for the 2023 HWA Black Heritage Interview Series. This will be our second year for the groundbreaking series, and as with all of our interview showcases, we like to interview fresh voices every year.

With that in mind, we’d like to ask members to nominate (self-nomination is acceptable and encouraged) authors of African heritage who write horror, dark fantasy, horror poetry, or any of the horror-related genres (including non-fiction) who were not interviewed in 2022.

To nominate (or self-nominate) please send an email to me, Sumiko Saulson, HWA Social Media Manager, at sumikoska@yahoo.com

The email should include a contact email for the author, as well as a brief description of their connection to the horror genre (a couple of sentences, or a brief bio, will do). The person you nominate does not have to be a member of the HWA as long as they have an established connection to the horror genre (or related genres).

For reference: here are the people who were already interviewed in 2022: Linda Addison, Tananarive Due, Nicole Givens Kurtz, Michelle Renee Lane, L Marie Wood, Nikki Woolfolk, Chesya Burke, Maurice Carlos Ruffin, Tenea D. Johnson, Valjeanne Jeffers, Steven Van Patten, Sumiko Saulson, Marc Abbott, Ace Antonio Hall, Penelope Flynn, Jim Potts, Rhonda Jackson Garcia, and Jamal Hodges.

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