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In November, “Monique Snyman”

Monique Snyman lives in Pretoria, South Africa, with an adorable Chihuahua that keeps her company and a bloodthirsty lawyer who keeps her sane. She is a full-time author, part-time editor… Read more

Interview with Poet Michael Randolph

Michael Randolph is a horror author, poet, and editor currently living in San Antonio Texas. He is the owner-operator of Eldritch Press. He is a U.S. Army Veteran of Desert… Read more

In July, “Interview with F.J. Bergmann”

☢ F.J. Bergmann writes poetry and speculative fiction with work appearing in Black Treacle, Dreams and Nightmares, On Spec, The Pedestal, Pulp Literature, and, as F.J. says, ‘a bunch of… Read more

Dark Poetry Scholarship Rules

Rules – The Dark Poetry Scholarship. Authority – the Dark Poetry Scholarship is established by the authority of the Horror Writers Association Board. Only Horror Writers Association (HWA) members in… Read more

In August: “Bruce Boston’s Dark Roads”

☢ This month’s Poetry Page shines a spotlight on Bruce Boston. His collection, Dark Roads, was nominated for the Stoker this year. Bruce’s poetry and fiction have appeared in hundreds… Read more
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