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HWA Winter 2024 Horror University Online Session


The Horror Writers Association is pleased to announce our Winter 2024 Horror University Online session!

From January 22 to April 8, 2024, Horror University will present ten live workshops and a special presentation for horror writers everywhere interested in refining their writing, learning new skills and techniques, exploring new writing formats, or better understanding the genre. Full descriptions and registration information are available in the Horror University School on Teachable.


Check out Horror University Online’s amazing catalog of recorded workshops on a variety of topics here.

Registration for each workshop is $65 for non-HWA-members. HWA members receive a 15% discount on individual courses.

The Winter 2024 Session includes:

Ellen Datlow

January 22: An Evening with Ellen Datlow: A wide-ranging discussion with multiple-award-winner, Ellen Datlow, editor of the annual The Best Horror of the Year. SPECIAL PRICE: $35.

Kevin Wetmore

January 29: Writing for Haunts with Kevin Wetmore: Learn tips and techniques for writing scripts for engaging and frightening live haunted house attractions.

Michael Arnzen

February 5: Shifting Shapes: Writing the Transformation Scene with Michael Arnzen: Learn the scenecraft for depicting how a “normal” body mutates, a mind spirals into madness, or a human morphs into a monster.

Benjamin T. Rubin, Lisa Morton, Linda Addison, Tim Waggoner, L. Marie Wood, Clay McCleod Chapman

February 11: Horror Archives at University of Pittsburgh with Benjamin T. Rubin, Linda Addison, Clay McLeod Chapman, Lisa Morton, Tim Waggoner, and L. Marie Wood: Join curator Ben Rubin and several horror authors for a discussion of the Horror Studies Collection at the University of Pittsburgh! THIS SESSION IS FREE!

Callie Stoker

February 12: Anti-Ableism in Horror with Callie Stoker: How to write accurately and avoid pitfalls when representing all abilities in the human spectrum.

JB Kish

February 26: Building Your Author Roadmap with JB Kish: An interactive workshop to help identify your goals and the steps to achieve them using techniques of project management.

Lisa Morton

March 4: Expanding Your Writing Horizons with Lisa Morton: Learn how to move beyond fiction into non-fiction, poetry, screenwriting, paid blogging, and more!

Stephanie Wytovich

March 11: Writing the Witch with Stephanie Wytovich: Immerse yourself in the rich literary history of witchcraft and create fictional work inspired by our interpretation of witches over time.

James Chambers

March 18: Bringing Cosmic Horror Down to Earth with James Chambers: Explore techniques for developing grounded settings, well-developed characters, and troubling themes for effective cosmic horror stories.

Tim Waggoner          

March 25: The Horror Hero’s Journey with Tim Waggoner: Learn how to adapt the “hero’s journey” template to write epic horror fiction!

Robert P. Ottone

April 8: Marketing 101: Selling and Extending The Life of Your Work with Robert P. Ottone: Learn ways to market your work–and yourself–to better extend the life of your publications and more.


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