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Veterans in Horror Spotlight 2023: Ray Zacek


Ray Zacek Biography

Ray Zacek is a retired federal officer living in Tampa, Florida, with his wife, artist Theresa Beck. A flaneur and inveterate scribbler, Ray writes horror, dark fiction, and crime/noir. His work has been published by Critical Blast, Denver Horror Collective, Tule Fog, Allegory Online, All Due Respect, Shotgun Honey, among other venues. He is a member of the Horror Writers Association.

Book Recommendation: Yankee Echo Tango India

Yankee Echo Tango India is a military horror/thriller in the vein of Dog Soldiers, set in a remote province of Afghanistan during the Late Unpleasantness in that country. The Queue is a comic horror satire which has its basis in my years in the federal government. Of course, as the author, I am unabashedly biased, but I believe them to be solid works of fiction that rate a greater audience.

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