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THE TRAITEUR’S RING by HWA Member Jeffrey Wilson


Author: Jeffrey Wilson

After a troubling childhood Ben Morvant finds a home as a medic in Viper Team, of The US Navy SEALs. He was raised in the Louisiana Bayou by his grandmother – a spiritual healer – and despite his attempts to put his past behind him he continues to be haunted by nightmares. The circumstances of her death creep into his life, challenging his very hold on reality.

Ben battles not only the creatures that haunt him during the night, but his own self-doubt about who he is and what he has the potential to become.

His team, the very men he relies upon, struggle to understand as their friend sinks deeper into himself, attempting to find the answers that could save them all.

He finally must embrace the truth about who he is, what he was raised to become, and the evil he must confront, and so Ben and Viper Team travel back to the source of destruction. There, in a place rampant with hatred and a lust for power, he again confronts the demons threatening his newfound little girl and the spiritual family he and his team struggle to protect.

Will Ben come to terms with his destiny in time or will everyone he knows be lost to an evil force threatening his entire world?

“5 out of 5 stars: A solid supernatural thriller! This is one damn unique blend of fantasy, horror and military fiction.” ‐ Benjamin Kane Ethridge, Author of the Bram Stoker Award winning Novel Black and Orange

“It’s a story that reminds me of old‐school King and Koontz, you know, that classic supernatural thriller style that is character driven” ‐ Ash Arceneaux, Lead Reviewer, Swamp Dweller Dark Fiction Book Reviews

“There are no other stories like this out there; this is totally an original idea. It is both creative and explosive.” ‐ WH McDonald Jr., lead reviewer, author, and founder of the Military Writers Society of America

JournalStone Publishing
Release Date: September 9th, 2011
ISBN_10 1-936564-17-3
ISBN_13 978‐1‐936564‐17‐0

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