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THE BELL WITCH by HWA Member John F.D. Taff


Author: John F.D. Taff


The Bell Witch by John F.D. Taff is an historical horror novel/ghost story based on what is perhaps the most well-documented poltergeist case to occur in the United States. It tells the story of the Bells, an early 19th-century Tennessee farm family who begin to notice strange occurrences—odd noises, bangings, gurglings. Eventually, an entity reveals itself to the family, calling itself, simply, the Witch, and makes it clear from the outset that it was sent to kill the patriarch of the family, John Bell, for a reason it never makes quite clear. The Witch’s antics, while not exactly endearing it to the Bells, make the spirit somewhat of a novelty. Word of its existence spreads, first through the Bell’s slaves, then through the rest of the community. It tells jokes, makes predictions, offers unwanted advice and even sings. It shows an intimate knowledge of The Bible and of history and politics. It harasses those who annoy it most, saving its ire for John Bell and his teenage daughter, Betsy. These two people become the focus of the apparition’s attacks, both verbal and physical. Ultimately, the Witch fulfills its promise of killing Jack Bell, while also forcing Betsy and her mother, Lucy, into considering their own roles in what created the spirit. The Bell Witch is, at once, a historical novel, a ghost story, a horror story and a love story all rolled into one.

“John F. D. Taff, the lauded author of Little Deaths, takes a 200-year-old tale from the American Deep South and creates a tale rich with history and lore that puts its contemporaries firmly in the shade. In The Bell Witch, he conjures up a malevolent spirit which is determined to make the prosperous Bell family suffer… one of whom will pay the price for their dark secret. Taff infuses the spirit of legend with motive for its vitriol, creating a compelling ghost story like no other, which will haunt you long after the last page.” John Milton, Horror Reviewer at AndyErupts.com.

“The Bell Witch is a narrative that’s been building for decades, simmering in legend and becoming wonderfully rich in history and chills, and that’s only in Taff’s imagination. A classic ghost story full of creepy sounds, scary nights, and top-notch dialogue, The Bell Witch is both a unique take on apparitions and an homage to the country’s lore and to Taff’s own love for the uncanny. An established master of short fiction, this is proof that Taff’s prose also shines in a longer format. Fans of great ghost stories now have cause for celebration.” Gabino Iglesias, Reviewer at HorrorTalk.com and Author of Gutmouth.

“The Bell Witch is as deeply frightening as it is moving—Taff’s magic makes our hearts pound one moment and break the next. It’s a rare book that whirls the reader along at an exciting pace and leaves you haunted long after the ride is over. If you enjoy scares and surprises, skillfully wrought human drama, and dark secrets—if you love great stories—then you must read The Bell Witch.” British Fantasy Society Award-Winning Author Erik T. Johnson.

Publisher: Books of the Dead Press, Toronto

Release Date: June 8, 2013

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