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Tag archive: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage in Horror Month Archives - Horror Writers Association [ 5 ]

Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage in Horror Month: An Interview with Barb Jones

What inspired you to start writing?

Growing up in Hawaii as both a Hawaiian and Filipino, storytelling was a part of my life on my father’s side. Because I loved to tell stories that would scare my classmates, my teacher challenged me to put my stories on paper and to keep up with that challenge, she would submit my stories to different contests that the newspapers and other outlets would have. I haven’t stopped writing since.

Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage in Horror Month: An Interview with Sloane Leong

What inspired you to start writing?

I started writing stories before I started drawing. I remember the first time I wrote a story; I was 5 or 6 at a Sunday congregation meeting with my family. My mom told me to take notes on the sermon but I interpreted that as taking notes about whatever. I ended up writing a short story about dragons and angels having a picnic.

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