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PASSIONARIES by Tonya Hurley


Author: Tonya Hurley


As we learned in Precious Blood, Agnes, Cecilia, and Lucy “may be saints, [but] they are definitely not angels” (Kirkus Reviews). They watched as Sebastian sacrificed himself for what he believed in, and now they have choices to make of their own. Will the girls trust in their destinies as saints and martyrs and perform the miracles as Sebastian instructed? Or will they lose faith in themselves and each other in his absence? Time is running out for them to make a decision, and the fate of the world lies in the balance.

“Brooklyn is the perfect setting for this dark, gritty thriller…Readers can rest assured that while these young women may be saints, they are definitely not angels.”
– Kirkus

“Intriguing premise, fiery dialogue, and digs about celebrity-obsessed culture that moves at the speed of Twitter…”
– Publishers Weekly

“A good story that uses faith as a powerful narrative device. Combine that with first-rate characters, scheming powers that be, and a harrowing plot you have a book that has bestseller written all over it, in big gothic letters.”
– The Book Passage

Book Trailer


Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Publication Date: July 1, 2014

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