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Looking for Interviewees for the 2022 Pride Series


A Point of Pride Interview Series 2022

The Horror Writers Association Social Media Team is proud to announce that we are once again, planning a Point of Pride interview series for 2022! Coming back for the second year, this series debuted in June 2021. This year, we’re asking for help from you!

We would like to interview an entirely new series of horror writers who are members of the LGBTQ+ community, to showcase an even broader slice of the diversity of horror writers. For that reason, no one who was interviewed last year will be interviewed in this series.

Are you an LGBTQ+ horror writer who would like to be interviewed? Do you have a favorite LGBTQ+ author we didn’t interview last year who you would like to recommend?

First Deadline: May 15, 2022

Late Deadline: May 30, 2022

Since this is not entirely but largely on a first come first served basis, the sooner you contact me the more likely it is that you will be included. The list is curated for diversity within the LGBTQ+ community (to try to represent as many of the letters in LGBTQ+ as possible, as well as to make sure that LGBTQ+ community members of color are represented), so if it starts to lean too heavily into a single demographic, some of the people could potentially be rolled over to 2023.

Send your recommendations to Sumiko Saulson sumikoska@yahoo.com the Social Media Manager for the Horror Writers Association. Because this series is limited to 30 authors (one per day for the entire month) we can not guarantee that everyone who is recommended (or wishes to be included) can be included this year. However, once we reach our 30 author cap for 2022, we’ll roll the additional names over for 2023 and make sure they are included next year (unless we get more than 60, and have to roll them over to 2024, but I am not expecting that to happen).

I would also like to add that we can’t promise that everyone you recommend will accept (some authors have declined in the past), and we can’t promise we’ll be able to find current contact information for everyone.  People do not have to be HWA members to be interviewed, so feel free to recommend authors who are not members of the HWA.  Publishers, managers, and agents may recommend authors on their roster. Providing current contact information for the author will increase the probability that they will be accepted (a lot of people don’t make it onto these lists because we weren’t able to contact them).

While we do interview publishers, and academics, the questions are tailored to authors, publishers and academics are allowed to edit the questions so it is better suited to their field. We can also consider filmmakers, comic bookmakers, and other HWA members who are not authors, but please be aware that you’d need to modify your question set.

We are also looking for one or two people from the community who can help curate the list, write the intro to the series, and update the questions. People who were on last year’s list are strongly encouraged to apply for those roles. Since we are getting a late start, I am going to accept the first two qualified applicants for co-curating the series. Must be HWA members (at any level) and members of the LGBTQ community.


Sumiko Saulson

HWA Social Media Manager

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