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writerbewareimage37As part of our efforts to support our members and ensure the horror publishing industry is conducted in a professional and ethical manner the Horror Writers Association is a supporter of the Writer Beware website and blog.

HWA President Rocky Wood said, “We are delighted to formally support Writer Beware, joining the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) and Mystery Writers of America (MWA). We encourage our members to bookmark and visit the site regularly, particularly when considering engaging with publishers or editors they do not know.”

Like many genre-focused writers’ groups, SFWA, MWA, and HWA are concerned not just with issues that affect professional authors, but with the problems and pitfalls that face aspiring writers. Writer Beware, founded in 1998, reflects that concern. Although they’re sponsored by US-based organizations of professional fiction authors, their efforts aren’t limited by country, genre, or publication history. The Writer Beware website is designed so it can be used by any writer, new or established, regardless of subject, style, genre, or nationality. “Writer Beware” is an officially registered service mark of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.

All you could ever want to know about Writer Beware: http://www.sfwa.org/other-resources/for-authors/writer-beware/about/.

The Writer Beware Blog: http://accrispin.blogspot.com.

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