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FRESH FEAR by William Cook


Editor: William Cook


FRESH FEAR: Contem­porary Horror is a collection of horror from some of the genre’s best writers of dark fiction. This collection has no central theme other than the stories’ ability to scare the hell out of the reader! Tales steeped in psychological horror sit alongside visions of strange worlds and inner landscapes drenched in blood. ‘Quiet horror’ sits comfortably next to more visceral portrayals of the monsters that lurk deep within the human heart. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, famously once said, “where there is no imagination there is no horror” – the horror expressed by the authors in Fresh Fear show that imagination is indeed tantamount to excellent story-telling. Prepare yourself for 28 tales of terror-inducing fiction that will have you checking the locks on every door and window of your abode!

Book Trailer

Publisher: James Ward Kirk Publishing

Publication Date: November 14, 2013

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