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First Recipients of the Young Adult Write Now Endowment Announced


First Recipients of the Young Adult Write Now Endowment:

The Horror Writers Association (HWA), the premier organization of writers and publishers of horror and dark fantasy and home of the iconic Bram Stoker Awards®, is proud to announce the first-ever recipients of the annual Young Adults Write Now endowments.

Each of the following five libraries will receive $500 to help fund teen writing programs as part of the HWA’s ongoing dedication to furthering young adult literacy.

The W. T. Bland Public Library – Mount Dora, FL
Dreadful Teen Writing Program, administered by Cathy Jones, Adult Services Librarian

The Louisiana, Missouri Public Library – Louisiana, MO
The Missouri Monster Squad: Teen Fiction Writers Program, administered by Brice Chandler, Holly Mabry, and Darrell Hapsten

The Librarian Association of Rockland County Teen Division – Spring Valley, NY
SCRAWL: Rockland Teens Write, administered by Jessica Gordon, Jennifer Daddio, Patrice Gottfried, Mary Phillips, and Dennis Sullivan

The Fayetteville-Lincoln County Public Library – Fayetteville, TN
Something Wicked We Write, administered by Jena Gray

The Athens-Limestone Public Library, Athens, AL
The Page Turner Program, administered by Amanda Coleman and Kris Reisz

Congratulations to all the recipients!

Applications for 2018 will begin in June, 2017. The Young Adults Write Now program will again provide up to five endowments of $500 each per year for selected libraries to establish new or support ongoing writing programs. The program is currently open to United States libraries, but will be expanded in the future to include other countries, as part of the HWA’s global presence. Membership in the HWA is not a requirement.

For complete rules, visit https://horror.org/libraries/ , http://horrorscholarships.com/young-adults-write-now-endowment-program/ , or contact libraries@horror.org.

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