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Women in Horror: Part Eighteen

Women in Horror: Part Eighteen

It may be March but I’m still rolling with WiHM! Today, my dear friends, is the final article. Yes…it’s true. Please do not weep, do not lose hope, we will… Read more
Women in Horror: Part Seventeen

Women in Horror: Part Seventeen

Today we’re joined by author Roh Morgon on what horror means to her…     It’s an honor to have been selected to participate in the HWA’s recognition of Women… Read more
Women in Horror: Part Sixteen

Women in Horror: Part Sixteen

Hello & welcome back to our feature special series for WiHM! You’ll all have noticed a gap in the posting of these articles & I can only apologise for that.… Read more
Women in Horror: Part Fifteen

Women in Horror: Part Fifteen

  Here we are again, still celebrating Women in Horror Month & going strong! Chantal Noordeloos, author of Deeply Twisted & Coyote-The Outlander, is here to talk about stereotypes &… Read more
Women in Horror: Part Fourteen

Women in Horror: Part Fourteen

Welcome to our next installment of HWA’s Women in Horror Month! Today we have the delectable Rena Mason joining us & she’s talking about the writers who inspired her…  … Read more

Women in Horror: Part Thirteen

Here we are at lucky number thirteen of WiHM!  Today we’re joined by author Kami Garcia & she’s telling all about the reactions she faced when she announced that she… Read more
Women in Horror: Part Twelve

Women in Horror: Part Twelve

Today we are joined by Carol MacAllister, author of The BlackMoor Tales…     Toni Morrison, author, whose work won a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993 is generally categorized… Read more
Women in Horror: Part Eleven

Women in Horror: Part Eleven

Today we have something a little different, Leigh M Lane covers a few of the theories surrounding the whole role women have i  Horror Fiction… Women’s Roles in Horror—Playing the… Read more
Women in Horror: Part Ten

Women in Horror: Part Ten

Welcome back to HWA’s WiHM feature special! We’re now at part ten & I’m proud to present to you a little piece by author & journalist, Natasha Ewendt! Embrace the… Read more
Women in Horror: Part Nine

Women in Horror: Part Nine

  Today we have something a little different, Michael Randolph takes us right back to our roots…   Ancient Roots Enough cannot be said of the impact that women have… Read more

Women in Horror: Part Eight

Hello & welcome to our next installment of our feature for Women in Horror Month! Today we have author Sèphera Girón  sharing her thoughts on one of her inspirational women,… Read more

Women in Horror: Part Seven

Good day to you all! Today we have the delightful company of author Julianne Snow talking about the horrors that our female authors dream up…& she means business!     … Read more
Women in Horror Month: Part Six

Women in Horror Month: Part Six

  Today we are joined by Catherine Jordan, author of  Saving Samiel. Here she considers the darker side of Women’s horror fiction…       February is Women in Horror… Read more

Women in Horror Month: Part Four.

Here we are on our fourth installment of Women in Horror Month! Today we have the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Semi-Finalist…J Lincoln Fenn whose novel Poe has wowed readers everywhere.  Fenn… Read more
Women in Horror Month: Part Five.

Women in Horror Month: Part Five.

  Hello & welcome to our fifth installment of WiHM! Today we have author Rachel Aukes giving her opinion on the subject of the readership of horror fiction written by… Read more
Women in Horror: Part Three.

Women in Horror: Part Three.

Hello & welcome to our third day of WiHM!  Today we have J G Faherty with his viewpoint of the female touch to the horror fiction genre. A big reader… Read more
Women in Horror Month Part Two.

Women in Horror Month Part Two.

Here we are once again on this, our second day of WiHM! Today I’m proud to present the lovely Lisa Morton, a name we all know & love. We share… Read more
Welcome to Women in Horror Month!

Welcome to Women in Horror Month!

Hello & welcome to Women in Horror Month 2014! I’m proud to be acting as editor for this special month where we all get to celebrate our Femme Fatales of… Read more
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