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A FEAST OF BUZZARDS by D. Alexander Ward


Author: D. Alexander Ward


Take a journey through a twisted version of the American South with these stories by author D. Alexander Ward as he draws back the curtain on a world where isolation, faith and transformation all play a part in the struggle between light and dark—and the battles that rage within us all.

  • The ghost of a young boy’s father helps him discover the hero within as he strives to rescue his mother, abducted during a drug deal gone bad.
  • During a trip across Mississippi, a man listens as a voice on the radio inflames his worst fears about his wife and child, and drives him toward the edge of madness and an unthinkable act.
  • On a hunting expedition, a young man is pursued by the spirit of his grandfather, whose legendary cruelty only seems to have worsened in death. It’s the sound of duct tape stretching across a mouth to muffle screams. It’s a rusty pickup truck idling in the dark. It’s a lonely back road through trailer parks and empty fields. This is A Feast of Buzzards.

Publisher: Hazardous Press

Publication Date: November 22, 2013

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