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Bigger & Bolder at BookExpo 2015


book_expo2015For the 7th consecutive year, the Horror Writers Association will participate in North America’s largest publishing event: BookExpo America at the Jacob J. Javits Convention Center in New York City. This year, the HWA has pledged to make its presence bigger and bolder!

Not only have we doubled—that’s right, DOUBLED—our booth size, we’ve also secured a corner position in one of the most trafficked intersections! Maybe you’ve heard of some of our neighbors: Simon & Schuster, the Mystery Writers of America, and the Romance Writers of America.

Our booth—constructed by the event’s official contractor, Freeman—will feature:

  • Secure cabinetry/shelving to better organize and protect books,
  • Increased background display to highlight member’s latest releases,
  • A counter-height signing station,
  • Full background lighting,
  • And a large—and we mean LARGE—HWA banner to attract attendees.

It’s not just the booth size that’s increased. This year, instead of three days, HWA will be exhibiting for FIVE DAYS! Why the extra two days, you ask? Well, that’s when BookExpo becomes BookCon. On Saturday, May 30 and Sunday, May 31, the Javits Center opens its doors to the public, and authors get to SELL their books!

But, wait…there’s more! We’ll be submitting authors for inclusion in the Main Autographing area of the exhibition floor for Wednesday and Thursday; or member authors may sign up for an in-booth signing on Friday to reach that same audience.

And there are a few other surprises we’re working on to make this year even BIGGER & BOLDER!

BookExpo/BookCon is your chance to get your name and your work in front of the eyes of tens of thousands of industry professionals and book buyers. This is one of the BEST benefits that HWA offers its members and one that you could not participate in without professional affiliation. Take advantage of the opportunity—PLAN EARLY!

Can’t be there? This year, the HWA is scheduling in-booth book giveaways of either pre-signed or unsigned books on Wednesday and Thursday. These giveaways will be advertised at the booth and in the Publisher’s Weekly show directory.

Vince Liaguno, HWA’s BookExpo Coordinator, will be releasing further details and instructions, as well as a call for booth volunteers, within the coming days via the HWA Message Board and a Special Internet Mailer.

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