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The Horror Writers Association Announces the Scholarship from Hell Recipients


The Scholarship from Hell is the only scholarship offered by the Horror Writers Association (HWA) that puts the recipient right into the intensive, hands-on workshop environment of Horror University, which takes place during StokerCon®.

This year’s recipient is Alex Luceli Jiménez!

The StokerCon®2023 Committee Chairs read nearly 60 submissions. They had this to say: “Alex’s essay resonated with the convention committee, who were excited by her dedication toward strengthening her craft. Additionally, Alex’s work showcases unique experiences and points of view that are needed in the horror genre, and that will inspire other writers as her career continues.”

Alex Luceli Jiménez (she/her) is a queer Mexican writer and school counselor in training living in Marina, CA. She has a degree in comparative literature and creative writing from the University of California, Berkeley and is currently working on a master’s degree in education. Her fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in Berkeley Fiction Review, The Daily Californian, Lunch Ticket, Prismatica Magazine, Ram Eye Press, Tales from Between, Barren Magazine, Tiny Frights, A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Southwest Review, Alebrijes Review, Fish Barrel Review, and Moonflowers & Nightshade: An Anthology of Sapphic Horror. Currently, she is revising a queer young adult horror novel as part of WriteHive’s Mentorship Program. She was born and raised in southern California, and can almost certainly be found listening to Phoebe Bridgers and drinking an iced latte while writing. When she isn’t writing, she is exploring the natural beauty of her home on California’s central coast. Visit her online and read her work at alexlucelijimenez.com

Congratulations to Alex!


The Committee also chose a recipient for the Virtual Scholarship from Hell: 

Timaeus Bloom!

From the Committee: “Timaeus’ essay was a poignant read that showed a clear love for horror and writing; the convention committee is excited to offer him the virtual scholarship, and they look forward to his future publications.”

Timaeus Bloom is an ex-medievalist turned horror writer from Alabama with an interest in all things creepy and unsettling. An avid reader of speculative fiction since childhood, it wasn’t until the ennui instilled by the COVID pandemic that Tim’s mind veered towards writing his own stories. His first written short, “The Last Sermon of Brother Grime” is upcoming in the anthology Howls from the Wreckage in June of 2023. A strong proponent of using your own experiences to enrich your storytelling, Tim hopes to add his own unique perspective to Weird fiction. He also really loves Cherry Vanilla Coke Zero.


Congratulations to Timothy!


The HWA would like to thank the StokerCon®2023 Committee Chairs – Sara Tantlinger, Ben Rubin, and Mike Arnzen – for their hard work in choosing this year’s SFH recipients. 


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