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The 2024 Bram Stoker Awards® Preliminary Ballot Announced


The 2024 Bram Stoker Awards® Preliminary Ballot Announced

The Horror Writers Association (HWA) is pleased to announce the Preliminary Ballot for the 2024 Bram Stoker Awards®. The HWA is the premier writer’s organization in the horror and dark fiction genre, with more than 2,000 members. We have presented the Bram Stoker Awards in various categories since 1987.

For the full ballot please see HERE.

Works on this ballot are not referred to as “nominees” or “finalists.” Only works appearing on the Final Ballot may be referred to as “nominated works” and their authors as “finalists.” 

The HWA Board and the Bram Stoker Awards® Committee congratulate all those appearing on the Preliminary Ballot. 

Our voting members will now vote on these Preliminary Ballots, with voting closing on February 15, 2025. (Only Active and Lifetime Members in good standing are eligible to vote).

Works appearing on the Preliminary Ballot are NOT “Bram Stoker Award® Nominees” and authors, editors, publishers, and others should not refer to any of these works as such – doing so is a severe breach of etiquette and can lead to disqualification of the Work(s) involved. 

The Preliminary Ballot will be sent to Lifetime and Active Members in good standing on February 2. If you are an Active or Lifetime Member and do NOT receive your electronic Ballot link by February 4, please first check your spam/junk mail filter, make sure your email address is updated in Wild Apricot, and then email director@horror.org with a brief message about the issue. Note that Ballots are sent to the same email address as the Newsletter and the Internet Mailer. It is the responsibility of Members to keep their email address up to date in Wild Apricot or by advising the administrator of any issues with your membership account at director@horror.org. Late Ballots cannot be accepted under any circumstances.

If your work (you are the author, agent, editor, publisher, or publicist) appears on the ballot and you wish to provide a link allowing Voting Members to read the work, there will be a SPECIAL PRELIMINARY BALLOT INTERNET MAILER issued on or about January 27. Please email the Internet Mailer editor at stokerchair@horror.org with a link to your work as soon as you can but no later than January 25. You may submit only a link, no description of the Work or other information. Anyone validly representing a work appearing on the Preliminary Ballot may submit via this method, whether or not they are HWA members (this includes the author, agent, editor, publisher, or publicist of the work). 

DO NOT spam Voting Members, this is a severe breach of etiquette – Active and Lifetime (voting) members tend to notice such breaches and may consider them when determining which works to vote for on the Ballot. 

You may also post the fact that your work is available to be read for Bram Stoker Award consideration ONCE, and only once, on the HWA Facebook page HERE on SATURDAY ONLY; and on the HWA Discord HERE. If you had already posted your work in these places prior to the announcement of the Preliminary Ballot you are entitled to post it again. The Discord and Facebook page are open to members and non–members alike. Non–members may also email stokerchair@horror.org for help with this.

  • The Final Ballot will be announced on or about February 23.
  • Please direct any questions or corrections regarding the Preliminary Ballot to stokerchair@horror.org.
  • Any questions regarding your membership/account information to director@horror.org.
  • If you’re on the Preliminary Ballot and want to provide your work for the Special Preliminary Ballot Internet Mailer to go out on or about January 27, please send a link to your work to stokerchair@horror.orgno later than January 25.

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