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by Debra Every


Herein lies a tale fit nary for babe nor child. Only the brave shall know the legend of Stingy Jack.


In a town long gone, nestled ‘tween the McGillycuddy Reeks of Killarney, lived John Finnegan O’Connell, a blacksmith by trade; a wastrel by pleasure. Born under a black moon, he grew from churlish child to mean-spirited man. A trickster. A drunkard. A miser of coin and conscience. He stole bread from the sick, clothes from the poor, coin from the clergy. And ne’er did he help his brethren in need. So miserly was Master O’Connell he came to be known as Stingy Jack. As time marched, his deeds flew to the ears of Satan, himself.

Beelzebub was curious of one who would dare set himself as his rival. He deigned to see this Stingy Jack, whose exploits had been told. On the first night’s fete of Samhain’s yearly spree, the devil laid himself upon a cobblestone path, making his eyes wide and his mien low. But Like recognizes Like. When Stingy Jack was homeward bound, he came upon the haggard man, knowing, at once, that Old Lucifer had come to drag him down to hell, itself.

“I know my time is here, oh sir, but please, before I go, let us repair to yon tavern for one last drop of ale.”

Man’s indulgence was Satan’s trade and so to tavern they went. One drink led to two, three, four. When they had had their fill, Jack said, “Alas, I have no coin. You, O Great One, could easily turn into silver and offer yourself as payment. What a jolly trick on my last e’en, when you turn back into yourself, leaving the barman with naught.”

Pleased with Jack’s mischief, Moloch changed into a coin, whereby Stingy Jack, quick of hand, placed him into his pocket. Lying in wait, deep within the felt, was a cross of silver, locking Satan into the coin with nary a hope of release. Thus being tricked, Satan bellowed, “You dare to trap the Lord of Hell? You know not what you do!”

“Fear not, Dark Prince. If, before my reckoning, you give me ten more years, I shall release you this very night.”

And so, it was so.

Promised to hell, our Jack now lived. On earth he throve as before, stealing here, tricking there, with nary a thought of future. Ten years passed quickly and, with Jack’s time now at hand, Satan appeared before him on the same such road as first they met.

“Your time is come, my stingy friend,” said Satan with a leer. “I’ve come to seize your very soul.”

“Aye, Great One, I accept my fate. But please, before we leave, may I have one last apple from yon tree for the journey ahead?”

Now, apples were the Satan’s pleasure—first tricks are ne’er forgot. He climbed the tree to pluck an orb not seeing mischief below. For, while Satan stood on bending bough to pluck the ripest fruit, Stingy Jack, carved crosses upon the tree, binding Satan, body to root. Again, by the trickster, Satan was trapped. Twice now was the count. He gnashed his teeth and beat his chest. But Jack released him not.

“What will you have for my release,” said Satan, twixt teeth a-clenching.

“Release you, I shall, if you swear to let me live without worry of your realm.”

The devil swore, by his horns, to ne’er take Jack to his kingdom. With contract bound, Jack scraped the tree of crosses and set old Satan free.

Years then passed. Too many to count. Years upon years upon years. Stingy Jack, no longer fearing Hell’s domain, doubled his deeds. But all men age and all men die. And so, to Jack, came death. From his body his soul was riven and to heaven, rose. Upon seeing the wastrel at heaven’s gate, St. Peter said, “Nay. A place for you beyond Gates of Pearl shall not be found.”

So, with neither place nor person to lend him aid, Stingy Jack to the Dark Realm went. When he arrived, the King of Hell greeted him at the yawling gate.

“Nay, Master Jack. A contract made is a contract kept and ne’er shall it be broken. Begone from my fiery home.”

“But where then shall I go?” whined Jack, his fear on full display.

“Nowhere, my deceitful friend. Darkness awaits your wanderings, till time’s end is at hand.”

Jack pleaded, “Please, oh Lord. At least grant me a light so I may find my way.”

Satan grabbed a burning coal from the fires of hell and tossed it high into the air. Jack leapt for all his soul and caught the burning ember. But, alas, he quickly dropped the coal, for its heat he could not bear. Finding a turnip, he carved it out and placed the coal within.

From that day forth, when light is seen in field or forest far, they say, “Stingy Jack was once his name. Now Jack of the Lantern goes thar.”



TODAY’S GIVEAWAY: Debra Every is giving away a copy of her psychological horror debut, Deena Undone.

Comment below for a chance to win.



Debra K. Every is a self-described adrenalin-fueled author focused on horror, thrillers, and stories that make the heart beat fast. Her psychological horror debut, Deena Undone, has won multiple awards, most notably an American Fiction Award for BEST HORROR OF 2024, a Storytrade Book Award for BEST HORROR, and two Independent Author Awards, one for BEST HORROR and one for BEST DEBUT across all genres. Deena Undone is traditionally published by Woodhall Press and was released October 8, 2024. Her short stories have appeared in various literary magazines, as well as in soon-to-be published anthologies by Hippocampus Press, Fairfield Scribes, Penumbra.

While she has written all her life, Debra comes from a diverse background of opera and business, both of which have informed her work. She lives amongst the rolling hills and pastures of Upstate New York with her husband and quirky cattle dog, Bad Dog Bob, where she endlessly strives to write one perfectly balanced sentence.



A terrifying nightmare sets off a series of attacks on Deena Bartlett’s five senses, and her eighty-year-old Aunt Agatha is responsible. But the old woman is not alone. She’s made a monstrous bargain with the Sensu, a malevolent entity whose stock in trade is attacking a person’s five senses, one by one. It has promised Agatha health in return for one evil act—the killing of her niece.

Deena has remained loyal to her bitter aunt for years—her self-imposed penance for having neglected her now-dead parents. But Agatha is dying and her insults will soon end…until a string of inexplicable incidents. A sound so piercing Deena’s nose bleeds. A smell so vile her breathing suffocates. And against all reason, after each attack her aunt’s health improves.

With mounting dread, Deena discovers the bargain her aunt has made and when the Sensu thrusts her into its terrifying realm, she must battle not only the power of her aunt’s long-held secrets but her own guilt as well.




Deena Undone is a remarkable piece of writing. … loving descriptions of the natural landscape; vivid character portrayal; and a novel supernatural motif—the notion of an ancient entity that seizes upon its victim’s five senses, individually and collectively, with terrifying results…all incorporated into a broader tale of searing domestic conflict fueled by love, betrayal, and hatred. This novel is a success in every sense.”



…slow and patient buildup of moody suspense — an approach that fans of Grady Hendrix and Stephen King will surely welcome…ABSOLUTELY STOMACH CHURNING



Striking work of psychological horror…boldly provokes the reader’s senses



Deena Undone is a panic attack of prose, slowly seizing your senses until there’s no breath beyond Debra Every’s final word.”



Stunning debut…Haunting, melancholy, and beautiful.



Deena Undone is available as a paperback, Kindle or through Audible

Amazon link:  https://www.amazon.com/Deena-Undone-Debra-K-Every/dp/196045613X











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