Rocky Wood Memorial Scholarship Fund for Nonfiction Writing


rocky_woodThe Horror Writers Association (HWA), the premier organization of writers and publishers of horror and dark fantasy and home of the iconic Bram Stoker Awards®, today announced the launch of the Rocky Wood Memorial Scholarship Fund for Nonfiction Writing, an endowed fund providing grants for research and writing nonfiction relating to horror and dark fantasy literature. The Fund will provide grants annually to individuals who are members of the HWA. A member in good standing of any level of membership is eligible, regardless of previous writing experience or achievements.

Wood, the former President of the HWA, passed away in December of 2014 from complications with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

“Not only was Rocky one of the world’s leading authorities on the work of Stephen King,” said Lisa Morton, current HWA President, “but he was also much beloved for his tireless support of upcoming writers. We are delighted to be able to honor him by offering this new scholarship in his name.”

“Rocky was extremely dedicated to the HWA,” said Board of Trustees Chairperson Marge Simon. “It is fitting that a new generation of horror writers will be supported through a grant bearing his name.”

The Horror Writers Association’s Board of Trustees will appoint a jury to review the applications. In selecting the grantees, the jury shall focus primarily on advancing the writing of nonfiction relating to horror and dark fantasy literature and not on advancing the career of the grantees. Works that are likely to have a broad impact and significance shall be favored over works that are likely to have a limited interest. Proposed works may focus on an individual author or book, historical, scientific, or cultural events or developments, or serve as reference tools for researchers and writers in the field.

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