HWA August Membership Drive



Have you been thinking about joining the Horror Writers Association for a while, but just haven’t gotten around to it yet? Or maybe you were a member in the past and have been wondering if you should rejoin. The answer is YES, and now’s the time! HWA is currently offering Active/Affiliate/Associate/Academic membership (with proof of sales) for $37 (for the remainder of 2016), and Supporting membership for $27 (for 2016). What do you get for that? Well, if you’ve never seen our excellent monthly newsletter (edited by Kathy Ptacek), we’ve made a sample issue available for you to take a look at:


Yes, you get our members-only newsletter every month, plus you get our Internet Mailers, crammed full of up-to-the-minute news from the organization and members. All members may recommend works for the iconic Bram Stoker Award®, get discounted StokerCon tickets, join (or start!) a local chapter, sell your books at events where HWA has a presence, submit to our exclusive anthologies, have access to our Grievance and Hardship Committees, and much more! Plus, to sweeten the deal, all members who join in August will receive two free e-books: BLOOD LITE I and HWA POETRY SHOWCASE VOLUME I (your choice of Kindle or ePub format).

Don’t wait – join NOW!


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