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Latinx Heritage in Horror Month 2024: An Interview with Adrianna Cuevas

What inspired you to start writing?

My fourth-grade teacher recognized my ADHD tendencies to constantly daydream and make up stories and encouraged me to write them down. While it took me a while to claim the professional title of author, I have been writing ever since then as storytelling seems to be what my brain is wired to do.

Latinx Heritage in Horror Month 2024: Introduction by Sandra Becerril

Welcome to Latin American horror! Latin American horror literature reflects human darkness. Beyond ghosts, what scares us the most is what we carry inside. It is not the monsters or the ghosts that add the disturbing component to our literature. It is the deep exploration of the human condition and its possibilities that leave readers with a dry throat. It is the ability of Latin writers with their stories that allow us to feel loneliness, hatred, abandonment, and resignation. The supernatural feels smaller than the narratives of what we Latin Americans can carry inside. Horror in contemporary Latin American literature is fueled by domestic and everyday events.

HWA Members New Releases – 2024

HWA Members New Releases – 2024

Welcome to the showcase of new releases!

Select a book cover to purchase or learn more about it or the author. You can view the wall of amazing cover art… Read more
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